Living without racism

On , Dave said:

I moved to Winnipeg in September for school to finish my grade 12. I come from a reserve way up north. Since I’ve moved to Winnipeg I’ve heard a lot of racial profanity against all aspects of different races on the streets, on TV, and in magazines. The Government of Canada should start a campaign to stop racism in Canada because it is getting out of hand. Our class attended a march called S.T.A.R.T, (Students Together Against Racism Today), at the legislature. There were about a thousand students from about 20 schools. This march was to let citizens know that racism should end. Recently, I chatted with a black man who was waiting over 90 minutes for Handi-Transit. It made me realize how hard it can be to have more than one issue of discrimination. Both don’t matter to me; I remember the nice chat we had. Racism is not only an aboriginal issue, it is a human issue. I don’t see race, but, I see racism when it happens.

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