Winnipeg isn't racist; the Macleans article was debunked already.
Winnipeg is one of the most diverse and least racist cities in the world. Winnipeg has a Métis mayor & a black chief of police. People from all races & ethnicities live in Winnipeg, work, raise their families, & are embraced by the vast majority of Winnipeggers. Blaming bad aboriginal outcomes on 'racism' is a lie & a cop-out.
Bad aboriginal outcomes (extremely high levels of violence, prostitution, substance abuse, crime, etc.) have many causes. Here are some of the most important, but there may be others. Racism is not on the list.
1. Corruption/mismanagement of funds by aboriginal 'chiefs'
2. Women having babies when the women are demonstrably unfit to look after themselves, let alone a small child.
3. Society ignoring/condoning unacceptable behaviour for fear that cracking down on such behaviour will be branded as 'racist.'
4. Handing out welfare checks without any 'strings' attached.
Focus on the actual causes of the problem, not on refuting false, sensationalist attacks.

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A Sporty Solution
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