Dispelling Myths
One of the biggest perpetrators of racism is the litany of myths/suppositions that much of the non-Indigenous community believes about First Nations/Metis/Inuit people. Things such as a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, the idea that all Aboriginal people do not pay taxes, and the incredible misunderstandings surrounding the treaties. I believe that education in public schools beginning in elementary school on the history of colonialism and Aboriginal people in North America would go a long way to dispelling these myths early on.
I think it would also be beneficial to educate children and adults a like on how intergenerational trauma impacts community at all levels. That the sort of victim blaming mentality that people possess does nothing to further healing in the communities and that a little compassion and support (either at a systems level or individual) can be the change needed to heal.
Winnipeg's New Mantra...Let It Start ...
Let it start with me is the new mantra Winnipeg must embrace ...
racism and accommodation.
In Saint Boniface something interesting is going on. There ar...