Fill in the form below to send a message to Mayor Bowman's office. All messages will be reviewed for language and content before being posted live. We thank you in advance for taking an interest in your city's future!

A short title for this submission, as you would in a e-mail…

In 1000 characters or less, describe your one idea, ask your question, or make your suggestion. If you've already shared your idea up on social media or on your blog, copy paste the full URL instead and we'll take a look.

Have a picture, a graphic, a poster you'd like to share? Use the upload field below to upload a JPG, a GIF, or a PNG. Try to keep it under 2MB in size, though!

Allowed extensions: .jpg .jpeg .gif .png

And just before you submit, a quick check that you're not a spambot or other malicious script trying to spam our website. Just check off the box below and, if needed, complete the verification challenge.

All done? Take a moment to ensure you've filled in all the fields correctly, and then...
